Sean Neeson, Alliance Party leader, led an Alliance Party deputation to visit Altnahelvin hospital on Tuesday 12th October. The visit was at the invitation of Altnagelvin chairman, Mr Denis Desmond and his Board of Directors.
Mr Neeson was accompanied by the Chair of Foyle Alliance, Colm M Cavanagh, and by Alliance Health Spokesperson, Cllr Betty Campbell.of Lisburn.
“I am very impressed by Altnagelvin”, declared Sean Neeson, “and I am aware of its facilities and I know personally its high level of skills and care from the treatment which relations of my own have received from Altnagelvin’s dedicated staff”.
“Altnagelvin Hospital is a vitally important facility for Derry and the whole western area”, comented Colm Cavanagh. “Local people don’t have to be told this.”
“Today’s presentation was very good and certainly raised the key issues regarding present and future health provision in the north west of the whole island”, added Mr Cavanagh. “We were certainly very pleased to have this presentation made to us and to have the opportunity to meet and talk with Altnagelvin Directors and staff”.
After a welcome and introductory comments from the Hospital Chairman, Mr Denis Desmond, Altnagelvin’s Chief Executive, Mrs Stella Burnside presented the background to current health service provision and an indication of the way ahead for Altnagelvin – Noprthern Ireland’s largest Area Hospital.
There was an exchange of views followed by a brief visit to the hospital laboratories and one ward. The visit ended with a tour of the highly impressive new day surgery
area of the hospital.”
“Derry people think of Altnagelvin as their Derry hospital and we are very lucky to have it sited so close to us”, commented Colm Cavanagh. “But the future growth and development of Altnagelvin is of concern to the community throughout the western area”.
“We must not take it for granted . The super staff and directors can certainly depend on the many grateful patients and their families throughout the community to endorse their work in supporting a healthy community in Counties L’Derry, Tyrone, Fermanagh and Donegal”.