Alliance MLA Kieran McCarthy has written to the Minister for Regional Development, to ask him about the possibility of a monorail for the Ards Peninsula.
The Strangford Assembly member was speaking ahead of a Stormont Assembly adjournment debate this Monday on the lack of investment in the A20 Newtownards to Portaferry Road.
Mr McCarthy said: “This is the main road on the Ards Peninsula and sad to say it has been seriously neglected by the Department, and what is more disappointing is that the A20 has not even been mentioned in the new Regional Transport Strategy.”
“The volume of traffic on this road has been increasing at an alarming rate, and this is very likely to continue as the number of commuters increase.”
“One possible solution to this congestion is a monorail along the peninsula.”
Main thoroughfare Potholes, volume of traffic increasing at alarming rate. Asked DRD minister written to about monorail. Not mentioned in the Regional Transport Strategy.