The East Antrim Assembly member said: “Segregation here costs £1 billion per year. Why should two schools or two leisure centres be provided, to pander to those that want to divide our society, when having only one school or leisure centre will stop segregation and make more financial sense. This £1 billion burden is destroying our economy, and the money could be better spent investing in business in Northern Ireland.
“We also need to see political stability here, and the return of devolution will help attract investment.
“There are also too many government departments here at present, and to strengthen our economy we must create stronger joined up government strategies.
“Our education system is crucial to the development of the Northern Ireland economy. It is extremely important that we develop a skills strategy to provide education which is responsive to the needs of our economy.
“Social partnership is also vitally important as it will help boost our economy. We must also combat delays in the planning application procedure as this problem has, in the past, put companies off setting up operations within Northern Ireland.”